GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Social Videos Build Engagement

Posted by Katie Dubow on Mon, Sep 16, 2019 @ 11:00 AM

Facebook and Instagram are visual mediums. And lately, they have turned the focus from photos to video. If you ask most marketers which content dominates social media, we say video.

BuzzSumo studied 777 million Facebook posts and says, there’s no better way to boost engagement than through video content.

Video posts generate 59% more engagement than other post types.

It’s not just organic posts that see higher engagement from video on Facebook either. Rounding up content from all of our clients shows, video is queen. 

Do some types of video work better than others on Facebook? Yes. Facebook Live has 10 times greater reach than all other forms of Facebook content and earns 6 times more interactions than pre-recorded video.

So whether you share video in an ad, an organic post or by live streaming, videos on Facebook and Instagram can be a great way to build an audience, as well as to kick off your customer journey…but how do you get started?

Read more to learn how to use Facebook and Instagram videos to build an audience.

Personas take priority

Personas are your end consumer. They represent your target audience. Basically, you want to personify them. Beyond the title and demographics of your ideal consumer(s), you should dive into the who, what and why of your personas.

This persona-building is critical to success with videos on Facebook and Instagram. Your ideal consumer isn’t going to buy from you on the first touchpoint, so it’s all about crafting a social media video funnel that builds trust.

Make sure you’re set up for success

Social media video impressions and interactions can advise future content and targeting, but only if you have your tracking systems set up. We urge you to use Facebook pixels to retarget individuals so that everything is trackable.


Focus on short, high-quality videos

Brainstorm videos that allow you to hit your target personas with valuable content (i.e. recipes, tutorials, introductions, etc.). This is the first part of their customer journey and it’s critical to build trust on social media—not to make a sale. Make your videos useful and focus on building awareness for your brand name and overall service, product or offer.


Retarget your audience

Once you’ve created a few videos and gotten some engagements (clicks, “likes,” follows, etc.), you’ll want to make more of what people liked, and see content will move people closer to conversion. With the right systems (like Google Analytics and Facebook pixels), it is possible to track who engaged with your videos, who visited your website and then re-market to them.

This is where conversion content comes in, and you can start sharing content that poses your brand’s service or products as a solution to your persona’s needs. And, because they know the value you’ve provided before, they trust you and are ready to click “Buy”!

Tell a story that speaks to your ideal audience

By starting with personas and creating video content that is designed to introduce you to your ideal audience, you can finally build new audiences on Facebook and Instagram. When you connect with these wider audiences, you can test what people respond to and better target them with content that is designed to convert. It all starts with building those personas and creating video content that connects with your ideal audience on platforms they enjoy, and with the content they love consuming.

hydfrarWith the right content and some tools, you can take advantage of social media's video capabilities to connect with your ideal audience.

To learn more, download our Facebook Live tutorial. 

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Topics: social media, video marketing



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