GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Let’s Get Visual – It’s the Future of PR

Posted by Nicole Guarasci on Wed, May 11, 2016 @ 9:02 AM

Capture-11.jpgWe live in the age of images and videos.  

And on social, people don’t stop scrolling their feeds to read something. They stop for visuals.

This trend does wonders for the public relations industry. PR professionals want to inspire engagement and views on social media that only visuals can give. Whether it is a fast-paced, 6-second video or a beautiful image, these are the kind of posts getting attention- especially since words don't cutting it anymore.

Marketers, PR professionals and social media connoisseurs get this and have altered their strategies accordingly. Plus, social media sites are making this easier to be done with new, wildly popular features.

Continue reading to learn how to take advantage of visuals on social media.


Periscope is a new way to live-stream directly with Twitter. While live-streaming is not new, having it broadcasted on Twitter is a new idea. Plus, it helps reach a large audience. This video shows up live on people’s feeds and can still be watched and replayed when an event is over. As more people look for visuals on the internet, video is becoming increasingly important.

This live-streaming app can easily be utilized as a marketing tool. Periscope can show behind-the-scenes footage or feature a spokesperson, but either way it can highlight the creative side to your brand which gets people to stop and engage. 

Make Quick Videos

Instagram changed the social media world when they allowed video on their app. Now they are making headlines again with the new feature, Boomerang. This app stitches a burst of five photos together into a short video and then plays that video on repeat. The end result is a gif, and people are filling their feeds with these fun, moving pictures.

Brands should use this, too. These quick videos are show-stoppers for those quickly scrolling through a cluttered feed. Plus, using this new feature shows that brands are in-touch with the digital world and on top of the trends. Apps like Boomerang allow people and brands to experience the visual aspect of social media without requiring a lot of skills or high-tech equipment.

Add a Filter

It’s no secret that Snapchat is growing to be one of the most popular social media sites. And like any top brand, they've evolved with the time.

The first big change to the app’s traditional model was the addition of filters that let users alter their faces in funny ways or add an exciting effect to a traditional selfie. From a dog-face effect to a “Happy Earth Day” image on the screen, the filters change often and users love them.

If a brand wants to target millennials, Snapchat filters are the way to go. This can be done by sponsoring a filter that is offered for a limited time. Filters can feature an upcoming movie or even just highlight the brand in general. By using them, millions of people are advertising these brands without second thought. This fun way to advertise gets the target market involved in the action.

Though some apps are just starting to scratch the surface in terms of visuals, it’s clear they’re not going anywhere soon. Public relations pros who want to be successful must adapt and plan to incorporate this into future campaigns.

Social Media is one component of a successful brand.  Download our Branding e-book to learn how to stay on top.

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Topics: creating content, Digital Branding, Instagram, social media, Snapchat

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