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Garden Media Group's 2021 Garden Trends

Posted by Courtney Brown on Mon, Sep 14, 2020 @ 4:42 PM

We've unveiled our twentieth Garden Trends Report, available for download now.

The 2021 report, The Great Reset, provides a detailed snapshot of how people are responding to the evolving dynamics within the garden industry, as well as the expected trends over the coming year.

According to the report, consumers are in the middle of a great reset. And while no one knows how lives will look once the reboot is over, the 2021 Garden Trends Report analyzes how gardens can be tools for building more resilient and connected communities.

For years, we’ve identified shifts in habits and growth that affect both consumer and professional horticulture, and this year is no different. Many businesses pivoted due to the Covid-19 pandemic and found that these new strategies were worth saving, and many old ones were not.

The garden industry picked up 18-24 million new gardeners this spring. The report outlines ways to keep the customer invested, educated, and inspired, and takes a deep dive into the new gardener and examines the future of cities.

According to the report’s findings, the new gardener is interested in edibles, pollinators, and reducing their lawn.

In the first months of 2020, something ended. But something new started. Now is your chance to bounce back and innovate towards the new normal.

Download the 2021 Garden Trends Report today

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