GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Cultivating Success: The Green Business Guide to MANTS

Posted by Aubrey Olson on Tue, Jan 23, 2024 @ 9:37 AM

1-4In the ever-evolving and expanding landscape of the horticulture and gardening industry, brands must seek opportunities to meet and partner with like-minded individuals. 
One avenue that provides this benefit and other opportunities is attending garden-related trade shows near (or far) you.

From the Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show (MANTS) in January to Cultivate in July, these shows offer fertile ground for green businesses to cultivate success from many angles, from sales leads to education and scope out what is new on the market.

Feel overwhelmed? Don’t fret!

Read more about the three significant reasons industry trade shows are essential for growing and establishing green businesses and tips for navigating them!

Networking Nirvana3-4

Gardening trade shows serve as a meeting ground for professionals, enthusiasts, and potential collaborators within the green industry. The networking opportunities are as diverse as the flowers in a well-tended garden. Business owners can exchange ideas, forge partnerships, and establish relationships that extend beyond the confines of the trade show floor. Whether connecting with sustainable suppliers or finding potential clients passionate about eco-friendly practices, these events create a thriving ecosystem of connections.

Tip: Pack your business cards! (Or even get yourself a digital card. Katie has the dot and loves it.) You’ll meet new people throughout the day and want a quick, easy way to give them your information for a follow-up. 

Blossoming Brand Visibility

Imagine your eco-friendly products and services showcased amidst a garden of enthusiasts and environmentally conscious reporters and consumers. Gardening trade shows provide a platform for green businesses to display their offerings to a targeted and receptive audience. The exposure gained from these events can significantly elevate brand visibility, creating a lasting impression on potential customers who value sustainability.

Tip: Have a booth? Take the time to curate your messaging and creatives to be ‘on brand’ with your overall brand vibe. It’s all in the details! A newer trend is booth story-telling. Help your customers envision themselves in your products. How can they see them in-store? What’s special about your products that will get their customers to buy? Make it fun!

Innovation and Market Research2-Jan-23-2024-02-45-57-3563-PM

For a green business, understanding the market is akin to a gardener understanding plant requirements. Trade shows like MANTS offer a unique opportunity to gather in-person feedback from potential customers and industry experts. This invaluable insight aids businesses in refining their existing products or developing new, eco-friendly offerings that align with the evolving demands of the environmentally-conscious consumer. These events are a greenhouse for innovation, allowing horticulture businesses to cultivate products and messaging that resonates with their target audience.

Tip: Pen and notebook or voice recorder? Whatever works best for you! You’ll want to remember everything you learned.

Participating in MANTS and other gardening trade shows goes beyond simply displaying products; it involves planting relationship seeds within a sustainability-minded community. The advantages are abundant, from networking opportunities and increased brand visibility to ongoing learning and market research. For green businesses seeking to flourish in a world that increasingly embraces environmentally friendly practices, attending gardening trade shows is a strategic approach to brand recognition and growth opportunities.

Stay in the loop with the latest trade shows attended by industry experts and GMG! Join us on Instagram @gardenmedia for a wealth of tips and tricks to enhance your trade show experience.

Plus, you'll catch an insider scoop like in the video below! 



Topics: trade show public relations, garden trade show marketing

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