GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Measurement Monday: Communicating PR Measurement

Posted by Dan Ream on Mon, Jun 2, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

garden media group, measuring pr success, measuring public relations, roi public relations, roi pr

Public relations pros are always looking for ways to prove the effectiveness of their strategies.

There are a number of ways to do this, but because businesses are chiefly concerned with the bottom line, finding ways to measure the monetary impact of gardening PR efforts is typically most effective.

However, assigning dollar values with measurement metrics can be complicated.

Communicating positive results is great, but the way those numbers are calculated is just as important!        

Keep reading to learn how to take the complex issue of measuring gardening communication success and make it a bit simpler.

The Importance of Collaborative Strategic Planning


When PR firms are hired, business goals are created to determine what needs to be achieved and how it will be done.

From here, a PR strategy should be formed that leverages smaller, focused goals to make bigger ones a reality. 

Measuring the success and impact of supporting goals is one of the first measurements a PR firm will deliver. As such, this is an important time to build trust.

Gardening businesses should be given a breakdown and explanation behind initial numbers.

Firms and clients need to talk openly about the structure and measure of PR campaigns to ensure everyone understands how these first successes impact overall PR goals.

Show, Don't Tell


PR firms can't just tell clients that they have made them money - they have to prove it!  

There are a TON of metrics that can be used for evaluation, which help measure the impact of specific PR campaign actions.

However, the gap between PR jargon and an actual dollar amount sometimes lacks clarity. 

For example, how does a dollar amount equate to "impressions"?

Bridging the gap between these two terms is needed to truly understand the value of public relations to your gardening business.

PR firms should be able to demonstrate the monetary value of their work, but gardening businesses need to understand how the numbers were calculated for the impact to be made.

Here, it's PR firms' job to make metric communication and clarity a top priority. If your gardening PR firm isn't providing this to your business, voice your concerns so the problem can be solved.

Accurate, Realistic Measurements

Measurement of public relations success should always be as accurate and realistic as possible.

Nothing corrodes a business relationship faster than lack of trust.

So, when analyzing metrics, remember statistics can be misleading. Make sure there is no confusion about how the numbers are to be interpreted.

Also, celebrate successes! When your PR campaign achieves something great, share it on your gardening business' social media and with your internal team, too.

But be careful about overstating minor success.

If data from your garden PR firm can't be trusted, that should be a red flag to your gardening business.   

 To Learn More About How Gardening PR can Grow Your Business, Download our e-Book Below!

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Topics: Public relations, PR Campaign, PR Measurement, marketing communications, garden PR consultant



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