GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Back to the Basics: Creating a Public Relations Media Plan

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, Sep 26, 2012 @ 8:30 AM

phone resized 600Lately, social media has been the buzz of our blog and the garden industry; after all, there are many ways social media can help your business, and they’re easy!

But, Garden Media Group has been around for a long time—over 20 years. During our time, we’ve learned the importance of keeping up with new trends while still using the tried and true methods that have been around since the beginning! It’s like the Girl Scouts say, “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other is gold.” 

Today, we’re going to get back to the PR industry basics. Below are the four essential elements of a classic (and modern!) public relations media plan.

1. The Press Release

The press release is far from dead, especially in the lawn and garden industry. A press release provides valuable information to a wide range of sources and mediums; think online distribution sites, like PR Web, plus your PR firm’s long-lasting relationships with media source. Press releases, if done right, get seen by many, which makes it a cornerstone of any public relations campaign. In essence, the press release provides all the information needed to brief various media connections all while developing develop key talking points.

2. Key Message Developmet

Speaking of which, key message development is imperative to forming a cohesive public relations campaign. Each segment of the campaign should discuss the three, core aspects. Once agreed upon, the key points will provide direction for the campaign. Make sure each media connection is clear about these elements because then, they’ll cover it in their story.  If you are well aware of your key message and spread them like wildfire, soon everyone will know your key messages!

3. The Press Conference

Press conferences are expensive and require much planning, which makes them a big investment. Luckily, it’s an investment you’ll be glad you made. Press conferences give you an opportunity to gather all of your media connections and stakeholders in one place. Here, these influential individuals can be inspired by your story. The buzz and excitement will soon be seen in conversations and papers everywhere.

4.  Face-to-Face Communication

We’re now able to stay connected all the time, thanks to the omnipresent smart phone. New forms of communication have changed how we talk to each other, but the truth remains: there simply is no substitute for a face to face conversation. It is in these moments, when you shake a hand, make eye-contact, and share a laugh, that trust and long-term relationships are able to blossom.  E-mails are a great place to start, but be sure to go further, and put a face to the virtual persona.

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