Hot of the presses, Garden Media's October e-Book is here!
This month our GROW! e-Book of the month clubwill be talking media relations every Wednesday, right here on our blog. The blog posts complement the info in our Media Relations e-Book and break each aspect of media relations into bite-sized pieces!
But, first thing's first, be sure to download our e-Book, "How to Win the Media's Heart."
In it, you'll find all of Garden Media's secrets to making (and maintaining!) friendships with the media.
To start the conversation, below is Garden Media's guide to media relations--beginning with the basics, like what is media relations, and where do you start?
A snapshot of media relations! This picture captures the energy of Costa Farm's Social Summit in 2011.
Media Relations is:
...understanding, connecting, and inspiring journalists, editors, producers and bloggers to believe in your brand’s message and mission enough to share it.
- art that requires creativity, insight, and patience.
...all about finding the right “crowd” and making friends with them.
...a tactic used to promote your garden brand, spread your key messages and secure editorial coverage.
...a key tenet of public relations focused on making connections with the media.
Media Relations is not:
Photo Credit: larskflem via Compfight cc
...blind sending samples and products to those not interested.
...mass-sending the same email to a big media list.
...a one-time story in a big magazine or newspaper.
How to Start Your Media Relations Plan
Photo Credit: Marwa Morgan via Compfight cc
In order to gain media placements, the first step is determining who you want to reach. Next you want to learn what those people read or watch. When you know this, you can focus on just the right magazine or blog that targets the customer you want to reach.
In the world of public relations, we call these "media lists," and they'll serve as the building blocks for your media relations plan.
This is the most important step when building your media relations plan since the rest of the steps all hinge on the fact that you're talking to the right people.
Garden Media details the three proven tactics when building media lists that have worked for us over the last 25 years:
1. Identify your Target Audience.
2. Determine Media Outlets that Matter.
3. Building Media Lists.
Want to learn Garden Media's Secrets to Media Relations and Building Media Lists? Download our e-Book below!