Big or small, no business is guaranteed a fruitful financial year. In fact, maintaining your popularity with customers is hard work--and you always need to be ten steps ahead.
A new study, released this week, surveyed professionals about the next 10 years of marketing.
Read on to discover what your garden business needs to remain thriving (and relevant) in ten years.
Biggest Change
If your garden business wants to make it in ten years, you'll need public relations--plain and simple.
The future of business will shift to a focus on content marketing and PR thinking.
As consumers continue to gain more and more power via social media, businesses cannot invest all of their time pushing product.
In order to gain long-term loyalty, garden businesses need to spend more time brand building and gaining customer trust.
Marketing as Entertainment
In the past, businesses could get by (and gain success) by simply sticking with the "Buy More of Our Stuff!" message.
But looking towards the future, there's going to be a major transition and the "Buy, Buy, Buy" message will end up hurting your brand.
Audiences want marketing and advertising to entertain them, which makes sense given the shift to PR thinking.
Entertaining audiences will allow your brand to connect with the consumer on a more personal level.
Basically, those who laugh together, stay together.
Social Media Star
It's predicted that Facebook will remain the primary platform to communicate and build relations with consumers.
However, Facebook Fatigue is already setting in, and I'm not convinced it will stand the test of time (and attention spans). Image driven sites, like Pinterest and Instagram, seem to be the new consumer favorite.
Twitter, conversely, will be the platform for businesses to advertise and push products. Here, businesses will advertise to millennials at no cost to them.
Future of Advertising
TV advertising is predicted to remain relevant for the next 10 years, but the medium may change. People will more than likely be streaming select shows and channels online or on their mobile devices rather than watching cable.
Advertisements are expected to be just as entertaining as the television shows themselves. Think Superbowl ads all year long.