Today is the official release of our 2015 Garden Trends Report:“Unearthing the Best Life."
“Unearthing the Best Life” identifies nine consumer trends that will shape the garden and outdoor living industry and resonate in the coming year.
The highly anticipated trends report, published annually since 2001, finds that gardening goes hand-in-hand with a healthy lifestyle.
Read on to find out the components that are fueling this sustainable lifestyle and contributing to eco-friendly gardens and outdoor spaces.
People see both outdoor and indoor spaces as extensions of themselves and are making conscious decisions to use plants and garden products as “tools” to increase their overall well-being and lead a sustainable lifestyle.
Now, more than ever, the garden is an extension of yourself. What you cultivate and grow, either inside or out, reflects your personality and the healthy lifestyle you have chosen to live.
In 2015, the report says brands are being held to ever higher standards, as customers demand that products are not only reliable but have a positive impact on the planet. Brands that help consumers make positive environmental, personal and community impacts will pull ahead.

What is better than plants and garden products to help consumers feel guilt-free about their
While consumers strive to preserve the planet, they also are working to change laws, the report notes. As organic and local food remains the basis for a sustainable, healthy lifestyle, people are changing the system to allow for everything from front yard food gardens to goats in cities and suburbs. Even the common clothesline is making a comeback. consumption?
According to the report, the idea of “going green” takes on a dual meaning in 2015. As more states decriminalize marijuana, consumers will also invest time in “growing their own”.
First it was ‘eat your garden.’ Then it was ‘drink your garden.’ Now, it’s ‘smoke your garden. Marijuana is going to become a great ornamental plant as people continue to customize their garden and outdoor space to meet their needs.
The report also notes that the face of the new consumer is changing and calls out three distinctive new groups who are gardening: Millennials, Hispanics and young men.
These consumers have tremendous influence and buying power. Brands need to be more mobile, versatile and creative as new consumers emerge.
Not enough info?
Download Garden Media's 2015 Garden Trends Report to discover the nine new trends driving major industry shifts