GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Trending Thursday: How the Garden Industry Can Redefine the Gardener

Posted by Jourdan Cole on Thu, Jul 3, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

There’s been a lot of buzz about brands redefining terms, especially among brands marketed toward women.

There’s the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, Under Armour’s “What’s Beautiful” competition to redefine the female athlete, Betty Crocker’s redefinition of “homemaker” and most recently, Always’ #LikeAGirl campaign.  

What's the secret to these marketing campaigns' success?

First, instead of avoiding challenges, these marketing campaigns confront them head on.

Then, the challenges are transformed into something new, interesting and undoubtedly buzz-worthy.

Read on for tips about how the gardening industry can redefine the classic image of the gardener. 

Redefine the 'Gardener'

pro-mix soil, garden media group, young person gardening, garden media group

Photo Credit: PRO-MIX

With a new generation of gardeners hitting the market, now is the time for the gardening industry to redefine the '21st Century Gardener'.

Take the opportunity to define a gardening term to communicate to consumers exactly how you want your garden product or brand to be seen. Plus, consumers that identify with your brand's identity are more likely to purchase your products.

Redefining a term that describes the way customers see themselves gives them a new outlook and perception of your brand and the industry overall. 

By doing this, you can engage customers in a new way and discover a new demographic as well.

Consider Your Garden Brand's Power

Marketing focus is shifting from messaging to sharing experiences.

Garden brands build their core values by maintaining a consistent tone that shares their beliefs and ambitions while also naturally reacting to a constantly changing world.

What do people assume when they think of your brand or product? Tap into important issues gardeners and landscapers face by identifying who your customer is and how the world outside of the gardening industry treats them.

Then, use your brand's influence to redefine a gardening term that promotes a positive, more timely image.

How to Rebrand a Garden-Industry Term

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1. Pick the Term:

  • Try your hand at redefining a term to enhance your brand identity. You need to be the master of your global image, identity and ambition. Ultimately, little changes can have a big impact.

  • Brands need to adapt and explain their brand identity using words that resonate with modern gardeners. Strive to foster positive emotions for your brand to have a greater influence on consumer loyalty and trust.

2. Plan:

  • Redefinition won’t happen over night. Take a few months to develop your strategy and then make a long-term plan to implement it. 

  • After you launch a redefined term, periodically assess your garden company's association with the new term, and whether its helping to increase loyalty among consumers.

3. Spread the Word  

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Topics: garden marketing, PR Strategy, Digital Branding, Trending Thursday, marketing



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