GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

5 Ways Marketing and Leadership Are Just Like Gardening

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, May 7, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

Day in and day out, the Garden Media team helps grow green gardening companies by getting the word out about their businesses. Our public relations campaigns built rock-star gardening brands, like the Knock Out Rose and Costa Farms O2 for You. So, it's second nature for the Garden Media team to see the connections between gardening and business.

Today we're diving deeper into this parallel to learn how gardening, effective marketing, and legendary garden business leadership overlap.

Read on to learn 5 leadership and marketing lessons found in the garden. Dirt may not only be the new Prozac - it might be the secret to success for your next business plan, too.

1. Have an idea? Before you run with it, plan.

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Photo Credit: Costa Farms

Once that million dollar business idea pops into your head, it's easy to start planting seeds right that instant in order to make it happen lickety-split!

But, before you go planting, first do your research and planning.

See if there's already a similar product or service out there--and analyze what they're doing well and where they could improve.

Also, during this stage, think back on all your past business experiences as a shopper, consumer, employee, or manager. What worked and what didn't?

Use this data to fertilize your idea from a budding sprout into what will soon be a blooming, healthy plant. Then, set goals.

2. Pick the right place.

Suntory Collage

Photo Credit: Suntory Flowers

In order for a plant to be successful, the growing conditions need to be right. Right plant, right spot.

The same principle can be applied to your gardening business.

In order for your gardening brand and product to resonate, you need to be seen in the right places for your target audience.

3. Weed out what you don't want.

pro mix, green gardening public relations

Photo Credit: PRO-MIX

One of the biggest regrets we've heard from garden business owners is that they wish they had let team members go sooner rather than later.

While this may seem harsh, having the right people on your team with the right skills is one of the biggest factors to your business' success.

Suzi McCoy, Garden Media's founder and president, has said time and time again that she feels "Garden Media’s greatest asset is our team."

To lead a legend, you need to constantly see the big picture--and create a team that will help you get there.

4. Good businesses start from the ground up

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Photo Credit: PRO-MIX

In the same vein, good gardens start with good soil.

While having the right team behind you is a big part of the leadership game, the next step is to listen to their input, make them feel valued, and show them that bottom-up change is part of your gardening business' make-up.

5. Water and tend the gardening business.


Photo Credit: Nick Harris1 via Compfight cc

Great gardens take time, patience, and dedication to make them a success. You constantly have to weed and water your garden to make sure you have the right circumstances for growing.

While growing your garden business, keep this same tenet in mind. Know that your business will not be an overnight success, nor will your marketing and public relations efforts.

All sowed seeds need time to fully and brilliantly blossom.

Once you've blended a stellar internal team with just the right marketing/public relations partners, success will surely be in your future.

Now, all you need is a sprinkle of patience, a handful of water, and a barrel full of passion to make your gardening business a true knock out.

Looking for More Ways to Grow your Garden Business? Download our e-Book on the Subject Below!

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Topics: garden marketing, lawn & garden public relations, horticultural marketing communications, garden business, Garden Media Group, garden industry public relations



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