GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

7 Secrets to Public Relations Success in the Gardening Industry

Posted by Megan Psenicska on Wed, Mar 19, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

Being in public relations is stressful--in fact, it's the 6th most stressful job in America according to CareerCast.

Meaning, public relations is a field not everyone is cut out for. PR executives need to have an eye for creativity, the spirit of perseverance, and the power of persuasion.

Whether you are a budding public relations executive, a garden business owner interested in marketing, or a business looking to hire a public relations firm, the list below will help you understand the intricacies of public relations better--and improve your take on gardening PR and marketing.

Want to find out what Garden Media's 7 secrets to public relations success are in the garden industry? Keep on reading!

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1. Create Your Own Opportunities.

Successful PR professionals are proactive. They have the gumption and go-getter-attitude that allows them to get out there and make their own opportunities.

Plus, if they don’t, someone else will.

The key is to stay ahead of the game and always think about what the next step is--or the next 15 steps.

2. Set Goals.

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Before starting any project, it is important to develop specific goals that you and your client want to make happen.

It's important to develop these goals with your gardening team or client, so everyone has a shared vision.

Take it a step further and fine-tune your goals and strategy and share that again to make sure you, your team, and your client are all on the same page.

Then, make a plan on how, who, and when these goals will be brought to fruition.


3. Learn to Prioritize.

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To-do lists are your best friend!

PR executives always have a lot on their plate and keeping track of everything can get tricky.

Write it down so nothing is left unfinished! It is important to prioritize your tasks and tackle the most difficult task on your list first to boost productivity. 

4. Think Win-Win.

gardening public relations, tips for success in PR

A major aspect of gardening public relations is creating relationships.

When pitching a client's story or product, explain how you or your client will benefit them or their publication. Be sure to focus on what you can offer them, rather than what you want them to do for you. 

It's the art of the give and the take.

5. Do Your Research.

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It is important that you know who you are talking with when working in PR. Answers might be different depending on who is asking them so make sure you know some background on the person.

Pitching a story or product can be an easy task if you take time to research the people you are pitching to. Make sure you know their topic of interest and what they generally look for in a blog, magazine or any other publication. It also is a good idea to find out what deadlines they work on. That way you can send your pitch out in time for them to see it, use it, or ask you questions.  

6. Work Together.

gardening public relations, garden media group

PR is all about team work--nothing happens in a bubble in the gardening public relations world.

Whether it be editing a story, developing a campaign or promoting a product, it takes multiple people, brain power, and a shared vision to get the job done right.

Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help from co-workers or even clients.

7. Sharpen the Saw.

Photo Credit: Andrea Marutti via Compfight cc

It's been proven. You can teach an old dog new tricks!

There are always new things to be learned in the world of PR. Make sure you stay up-to-date on new technology, techniques and skills, so you can continue to be at the top of your game.

Want to Learn More About The Power of Public Relations in the Gardening Industry? Click Below! 

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Topics: lawn and garden public relations, hiring a public relations person, PR Strategy, horticultural marketing communications, garden industry public relations

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