GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Attract New Customers to your Garden Business with Content Marketing

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, Feb 12, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

Content marketing is a new ballpark for advertisers and marketers in the garden industry.

With content marketing, your garden business will be attracting, engaging, listening, and converting consumers who are already interested in what you have to offer.

The days of blind sending direct mailers are out since all those messages get lost in the noise anyway.

With content marketing, your garden business, blog, and website will be found by potential customers via a Google search. They'll ask a question or search a term related to your business, and voila, your page will pop up.

Let's jump into how your garden business can begin attracting new customers by setting goals for your content marketing plan--then making them a reality.

How to Attract New Customers to your Garden Business with Content Marketing

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When you attract customers to your site, they're already invested in your content and what you have to offer. The next step is earning their trust and showing them that you're an expert in your field.

But, how do new customers find your site?

Write SEO key-word driven posts and content that answer the questions your audience is asking.

You know the questions that you (or your sales team) get asked frequently. How much does composting cost? What are the benefits of planting perennials versus annuals? What is the best brand of garden tools?

Frequently, these questions revolve around cost, comparisons, problems, reviews, and "best of" articles.

Take the questions you hear daily and write blogs and website copy that addresses the questions your audience is asking.

Set Goals to Attract New Customers with Content Marketing

pr campaign goals

Before you begin brainstorming blog ideas with your team, first identify the goals of how you'll attract new customers to your green, garden business with content marketing.

One of the first things to do is identify your target audience by asking these questions:

1. Who are you trying to attract? Define demographics, psychographics, and interests.

2. What is your target audience interested in, what questions are they searching?

3. How many visitors do you want to have to your website or blog each month?

4. In one year, how many new customers would you like to convert from those visitors?

5. What is the average readership you’d like to have for each piece of content you create?

6. How often can you consistently publish content? Think about weekly projects, like blogs and social media, as well as the monthly goals, like e-books, landing pages, and calls to action.

7. Who will create and manage your content?  

To Dive Deeper into Content Marketing in the Garden Industry, Download Garden Media's Guide Below!

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Topics: audience, Garden Media Group, garden industry public relations, content marketing



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