We have a Thanksgiving tradition at Garden Media. Each Thanksgiving, we stop, think, and share our gratitude with each other and our clients.
So before Black Friday madness kicks off, we'd like to spend a few minutes reflecting and being thankful for what we have. I asked my co-workers to share what they're thankful for this Thanksgiving.
From friends and family to the little things, discover what the Garden Media team is thankful for this year.
"Professionally I'm a lucky business woman. Having just celebrated our 25 year anniversary, I'm thankful for a wonderful team both now and in the past. They all have made us who we are today. I'm thankful for great clients both past and present. They have believed in us to help build their fabulous brands. I'm thankful for continued inspiration, ongoing enthusiasm and well-honed creative skills. I'm thankful to have the kind support of my husband Fred and the partnership and backup of my daughter Katie. I'm thankful for the friends I've made in this wonderful lawn and garden industry. I'm thankful to live in a great country that allows us to fulfill our dreams." -Suzi, Queen Bee.
"I am so thankful for our clients, because without them, we wouldn't be here. They have high expectations, look to us for advice and appreciate what we do. For that, I am grateful. I am also thankful to work with a top notch team, side by side with my mom. I watch in awe as she charms everyone she meets, is always able to see the big picture and laughs, a lot." -Katie, Account Supervisor.
"I am thankful for my family as I am blessed with a hardworking, independent mother who taught me to always to strive for excellence and that it is always more important to give than receive. I am also thankful for my husband, for without him, we would not have the three beautiful children that we have the pleasure of calling our own. I am also thankful for my job as I get to work alongside and with some awesome individuals, both currently and in the past. My position allows me to do many of the things I enjoy doing including working with numbers, problem solving and adding creative touches." -Tracey, Office Manager
"I’m thankful that I work with such a great group of people on a daily basis and I’m thankful that my family is healthy and happy." -Stacey, Account Supervisor
"I’m thankful for my GMG family. Year round, we work to make the world a greener, more beautiful place with lots more luscious blooms! And, we have FUN doing it, too! This year, I’m also thankful for my cute little apartment, filled with lots of books and love, in a new town!" Emma, Account Executive
"I am thankful and fortunate to be in an environment where I am not afraid to ask questions, and develop into a better business woman. I am also thankful for my little brother. This Thanksgiving marks our 4th annual 5k we do on Thanksgiving morning. It has turned into a family tradition which I really look forward to." Megan, Account Executive
"I am thankful to work in an environment that allows flexibility, and one where everyone is treated with equal respect. A workplace where everyone becomes a ‘family’ member, supporting each other, helping each other, celebrating each other’s successes. Personally, I am thankful for all the many blessings of family and friends who enrich my life in so many ways, and who hopefully experience my gratitude in return." -Peggy, Media Support Specialist
"I am thankful that my husband and I have landed on our feet in a wonderful new community that has openly welcomed and embraced us. There hasn’t been a day that’s gone by since we arrived a year ago that we haven’t remarked on how incredibly lucky we are to have so quickly found a home that we love, new friends and great neighbors. We feel the same way about our work – we both have jobs and co-workers we truly enjoy, and we can both walk to work - which in and of itself is plenty to be thankful for!" -Kate, Account Manager
"I'm thankful for the little things in life, the things most of us take for granted on a daily basis. To have a decent job in today's economy is a blessing, while there are others out there struggling to make ends meet. Having things like clean water, a bed to sleep in, and a roof over my head is more than enough to be thankful for. I'm also thankful that I have a wonderful support system in my family and friends, I don't know where or who I would be without them. Having someone to talk to, to laugh with or even just share a comfortable silence is a lucky thing to have." -James, IT Specialist
Last but not least, we want to express our gratitude to YOU, our readers! It is a great pleasure to be a part of your lives and your successes!