GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Green PR: Masterfully Recycle & Repurpose Content

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Wed, Mar 6, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

green living green public relations recycle contentI recycle everything. Why should an item be used only once? One of my favorite necklaces was made with old soda tabs. Recycling is only one aspect of sustainable living, but it is certainly the aspect that translates to public relations best.

We work hard to create thoughtful copy that will be of interest to multiple audiences, so why would we only use it as a press release? Exactly, we wouldn’t; it's just as wasteful as trashing a plastic bottle.

As an innovative company, we’ve got to keep moving forward.

One way to do this is by repurposing content. With oodles of outlets, recycling content looks just as chic as ever.

All your garden business has to do is implement these tips to ensure your content doesn’t look stale.

Selectively Repurpose

Don’t recycle every press release your company has ever published. You’ll overload your audience, and they’ll be less inclined to read your content.

Only repurpose the best content. The press releases with the most pick up are clearly the ones of interest to the media and your key audience. They want to read, see, and hear as much as possible about this topic; give them what they want, and select this copy to repurpose.

The reverse is true as well. If a press release really flopped, let it go, and focus your attention where it’s needed—with the popular posts.

Share Your Recycled Goods

Pin it! Tweet it! (Face)Book it! Blog it! Meme it! E-book it! Vine it! 

Once you’ve got golden content, mold it for each platform. Create a meme with it. Memes are really, really easy to create and are one of the easiest mediums to go viral. Take a hard look at your content, and see what aspects of your copy can be brought to life either with a digital still, a meme, or a short video on Vine.

Use these iconic images and videos to share on Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook. The same way you want your brand to be associated with one image or word is the same way your garden business should treat recycled content.

Link Your Content

If you’re putting in the effort, don’t forget the last step. When you repurpose content, link to the other social media and digital outlets. Again, your audience is craving any and all information related to this selected, crème de le crème content.

Link to the video, to a digital story, to a visual quote, to the tweet, and in essence, to any content related to this post.

Links are easy for your company to embed, and these links make it easy for your key audience to reach the information they want.

Once you’ve put in the work once, all you need to do is recycle and repurpose your content in a chic manner. You’ll reach a much larger audience with just a little more work. 

Learn more expert public relations tricks and tips by talking with us directly.


Free PR consultation by Garden Media
Special thanks to Inbound Marketing for the clean, green image!

Topics: creating content, garden PR consultant, lawn & garden public relations, Garden Media Group, content marketing



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