Infographics have been on the to-do list at businesses across the country for the past few months. The medium began to gain traction in late 2009, but have since then exploded.
Infographics have the potential to go viral, specifically because of their share-ability. They're super easy to share on all social media outlets, and best of all, if you share it, your post will get six times more interaction on Twitter.
Trends come and go, and three years have passed since the creation of the inforgraphics, so are they in or out? Tell us what you think by commenting or tweeting at The Garden Media Team.
Until then, here’s the good and the bad sides of infographics. Decide for yourself if they should still be apart of your public realtions media plan.
The Good
Spice up the Boring. Infographics have the ability to take ho-hum information and make it dazzle like never before. We’ve seen annual reports, research reports, trends, and white papers transformed into infographics, which allows this information to be seen by many who would have ignored it otherwise.
Showcases the Beauty. The information age has overloaded us with data. On average, we each see 5,000 advertisements every day. Woof! No wonder advertisments don’t have the power they used to. Yet, the infographic provides a breath of fresh air. Instead of displaying information in an expected way, infographics transform data into beautiful images. Plus, they're arranged in an organic way—which is just how our brains function.
Viral Vixen. Infographics have been so popular namely because consumers LOVE them. Really. Social shares are off the charts when an infographic is included. A tweet with an infographic is six times more likely to be shared than just a regular old article. They’re cool, they’re fun, and we want everyone on our social network to know that we found it first!
The Bad
Data Overload. Let’s be frank: one infographic cannot summarize a ten page report. It just doesn’t work, and this is one of our biggest pet peeves with infographics. An infographic—done well—should focus on one or two data nuggets and truly illustrate this data. Unfortunately, some infographics are too jammed pack that they’re more overwhelming than helpful. Yikes..
Too Much Time/Money. As a public relations pro, you may be able to dabble in design, but you won’t be able to design a killer infographic. A rookie can’t arrange the information in a way that will be aesthetically pleasing and get your point across clearly. If you try, you’ll end up outrageously frustrated and lose oodles of hours. However, if you outsource an infographic to a designer, it will cost you big bucks. So, is an infographic worth it?
Infographics are still the bee’s knees. Yes, there are bad infographics out there, but overall, this medium proposes a new way to share data in a way your customers will l-o-v-e.
How to DIY (The Right Way)
Here are our favorite sites to create chic, professional infographics in a snap.
Piktochart: In our opinion, Piktochart has the best looking infographics. They’re out of this world beautiful—and look like they were done by a professional. After experimenting in the program, it’s pretty easy to learn. Plus, the colors and designs looks simple and sleek. Check it out for yourself with this Marketing Mix Infographic. If you and your garden business are in a hurry to create an infographic, head over to! You don’t have to wait for your seeds to grow; it’s the equalivant of buying a flower that’s ready to be planted. Here's's Hydroponic Gardening infographic. LOVE the content and the image!

Craving more information about upcoming trends in the garden industry? Just read Garden Trends 2013 Whitepaper, and learn what your customers are hankering for this year!