What if we told you there was a social media platform that has over 430 million active users, billions of visits each month, and is being overlooked by most companies?
Reddit. Yep, we said Reddit. It is the internet epicenter of virality.
Centered around massive, highly casual message boards –called subreddits – this platform creates a community around any niche interest, from fandoms to flowers. Among the countless subreddits are many garden and horticulture-related boards like “What Is This Plant?” and “Plant Clinic,” the latter of which has 4.5 million followers alone!
Right now you’re probably thinking “Ugh, another thing to keep track of?” but don’t panic! No need to overhaul your whole digital strategy. Read on to learn three tips to stay Reddit-ready.
But wait... what IS Reddit, anyway?
Not familiar with the site? The self-proclaimed Front Page of The Internet might look more like a mess than an organized platform. Content is created when users post links, videos, or photos along with specific subreddits where it is then “upvoted” or “downvoted” based on its relevance and buzz-worthiness.
The tone is conversational and user interactions with each other and brands are very casual. Unlike some of the bigger social media platforms, companies on Reddit interact with consumers directly in an approachable way. Reddit thrives on a sense of community so brands have an opportunity to excel by meeting current (and new) customers where they are.
Three Steps to Stay Reddit-Ready
- Find your fans – Start with a search to find where people are talking about your brand name and products. Scan for both complaints and compliments. What boards/subreddits are they on? This can provide ideas for new content to address consumers' top concerns. For instance, if you see mentions on r/Bonsai, consider bonsai for your next social post or blog topic! Also, check what they are saying about your competitors.
- Pictures are still worth a thousand words – Photos and videos have just as much power here as they do on other platforms. Posts with photos and videos perform well, especially unusual plant varieties. Next time you have something new or unusual to offer, consider sharing it on r/gardening or r/whatisthisplant. Keep in mind, that this tends to work best if you post as an individual, not a brand because the voice on Reddit is personal, not corporate. Some boards may even have guidelines about advertising, so keep that in mind.
- It takes a village – Reddit is all about community! Look for opportunities to collaborate on community contests. Keep your actions personable, helpful, and centered in relationship-building first, rather than direct sales or ads, and build a village of followers.
Don’t get overwhelmed or lost, Reddit is not a scary place. Start small through causal interactions, and watch your following grow!