Marketing, targeting and building relationships with Millennials will help your garden business to thrive in the present and grow in the future.
The question that needs to be answered first before your garden company can begin targeting this powerful demographic is:
Who are the Millennials and what do they value?
To fully connect and effectively market gardening to this powerful generation, your garden business needs to understand Millennials' demographics and psychographics.
Continue reading to get to know this prominent generation a bit better in order to craft marketing messages that truly resonate.
Demographics of Millennials
Millennials range in age from 14-33 and now comprise about 25% of the US population.
There are over 80 million Millennials, the largest cohort size in history. Plus, they have been studied more than any other generation to date according to U.S. Census Bureau statistics.
This generation is more racially diverse than any other in the history of the United States, with Hispanics representing the largest ethnic minority.
Millennials are also the most-educated generation of young adults in history with 1/3 of Millennials (age 26-33) holding at minimum a four-year college degree.
Plus, Millennials hold a high school graduation rate that stands at 72%, the highest level of high school completion in more than two decades.
Economic Status

Growing up and attending school during an economic crisis has made it difficult for Millennials to pay back their student debt.
“For the first time in America, there is now more student loan debt than credit card debt,” according to the U.S. Chamber Foundation.
This massive debt has resulted in less wealth and personal income than the previous two generations.
Still, this generation remains optimistic about their economic future. They are confident that they will make more money with time, and as they begin buying houses and settling down, their buying power is expected to increase.
What Millennials Value
While 50% of Baby Boomers married between ages 18-32 only 26% of Millennials are marrying in that age range.
In general, Millennials are less supportive of religion, patriotism, environmentalism, and more supportive of gay rights - according to the Pew Research Center.
Millennials are creative and connected, so they believe they can fix things themselves by utilizing information they find online.
Gender Roles
- Millennials believe “there are no inherently male or female roles in society.”
Men are taking equal roles as homemakers: 1/3 of dads who have working wives regularly care for kids.
40% of women are now the sole or primary earner for households with children under age 18 - with 24% of wives earning more than their husbands.