GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

What the Garden Industry Can Learn from Coca-Cola

Posted by Samantha Arcieri on Wed, Oct 8, 2014 @ 9:03 AM

Coca-Cola just got personal – and it’s working.

The company has seen a boost in sales in the United States since June. This recent increase isn’t attributed to a new formula or logo design, but to the Share a Coke program, a marketing campaign that labeled bottles with popular millennial names and phrases.

If anything, the Share a Coke Campaign outlines a major PR industry theme - personalization is important.

This personalization and attention to detail is the key to developing better business relationships in the garden industry. The company who takes the time to get to know and interact with their clients, customers or fans will be more successful in the long run.

It’s easy to tell when a company is insincere; impersonalized pitches fall flat, poorly managed social media accounts have a profound negative impact on any brand and ignored complaints online lead to terrible reviews.  

                           Share a Coke 1

Read on to learn how to take the time to connect with and really understand target audiences.

A New Group of Gardeners

Consumers, millennials especially, hate feeling like they’re “just a number.”

Since this new audience is, for the most part, widely unfamiliar with the garden industry and common practices, it’s essential to add a personal touch to any initiative or new product. 

In addition to having a stellar online presence, any garden company interested in attracting millennials needs to put a face to their brand. 

This can be achieved through simple practices like being available to answer questions online and responding to inquiries on social media. Holding in-person events that promote your garden brand, increase exposure and allow millennials to connect with the faces of your company. 

When attempting to appeal to this audience, keep one essential question in mind:

Why is this important to them and how can they share it with their friends?

Coca-Cola tastes the same – no matter what name the bottle displays. That personal touch, however, is definitely refreshing.  

                          Share a Coke 3

Learn how to Market to Millennials like Coca-Cola in our eBook!

How to Market to Millennials 

Topics: branding, Marketing to Millennials, image building, garden industry public relations

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