GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Trending Thursday: Like Bees to Honey, Use This Garden Trend To Attract Customers to Your Garden Business

Posted by Megan Psenicska on Thu, Apr 10, 2014 @ 9:00 AM

Imagine your customer's perfect garden. Is it filled with bugs? If not... it should be! Without pollinators, plants are unable to reproduce, which causes your garden's life cycle to stop.

In recent years the population of pollinators has been declining, leading to a drop of availability for many foods, and a major garden trend in 2014.

As the situation for the bees and other pollinators continues to draw media attention in 2014, 'bee-neficals' will BEE a huge 2014 Garden Trend.

Read on to find out more about these bee-nefical bugs and how to use them in your garden business!  

Why Bee-Nificals are a Major Garden Trend in 2014

snappy music video from Artichoke about why we should all love bees!

Many consumers believe that all bugs have a negative impact on their garden, but this is far from true! More than 85% of plant species require a pollinator like bees.

It’s reported that 1 of every 3 bites of food comes from plants pollinated by honey bees and other pollinators, too.

Recently, the amount of these insects has decreased. Luckily, programs such as Integrated Pest Management are on the rise and work to reverse the loss of habitat for these pollinators and repopulate gardens all over the United States and Europe.

How to Use the Bee-neficals Trend to Boost Gardening Business

30991812_a9dfa60712Photo Credit: Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton via Compfight cc

Since attracting pollinators to the garden will be top of mind for gardening customers this season, use this trend to your gardening business' advantage.

  • Create a flower collection that specializes in attracting bees to the garden. 

  • If you sell garden accessories, connect with bee hotel makers and other companies that have solutions to the bee problem and begin marketing and promoting them. Bee hotels are a great way to attract bees and add a decoration to your garden. Give your gardening customers ideas on how they can build their own bee hotel and offer all the supplies they may need. 

  • Promote and share tips and tricks for attracting more bees to the garden. For instance, did you know that planting a variety of flowers close together helps spread pollen?

  • Donate to bee-saving organizations. Creating a partnership with a bee saving nonprofit makes for a great story and a great cause. Then, you can pitch the story out to media, host their logo on your gardening website, and show just how much you care about bees! 

Or, if none of these trend boosting business tactics work for you, host a brainstorm session with your top executives. Present the science behind the bee-nificals trend and brainstorm if and how this trend could work in your business.

The trend of protecting, saving, and attracting honey bees to the garden is one that is sure to last far behind 2014; this garden trend is going to be around for the long haul.

Find Out What Other Garden Trends Will Be Coming This Season with the 2014 Whitepaper! 

2014 Garden Trends Report Whitepaper

Topics: Trending Thursday, Garden Media Group, Garden Trends

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