GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Trending Thursday: Influential Customers of Your Garden Brand

Posted by Merissa Blum on Thu, Dec 4, 2014 @ 9:23 AM

You are creating awesome marketing and public relations campaigns, but are they resonating with your audience as much as they could be?

This depends, have you been utilizing your connected consumers in each of these campaigns?

Did you know: “The average customer has a reach of 42 people for each positive experience or engagement with your company online."

"That means if you have 200 customers who are brand advocates, you have a potential reach of 8,400!” – Social Media Today

Social Media Today’s “The Power of the Influential Customer” infographic discusses the what, who, and how on influencing customers.

Continue reading to learn how to leverage your influential customers with easy referral marketing tips.


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Influential customers are brand advocates who promote your company or products through their personal network of contacts.

The more active a customer is leads to a greater opportunity that they will be the ones to directly influence others into engaging with your garden brand.

An average influential customer can contribute to a whopping 20-50 percent of your total company revenue!


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Demographics of brand advocates are always going to vary from brand to brand. Compile a report after doing your research, what types of customers are pushing your garden brand?

Social Media Today found that it was our 'new consumer,' people ages 18-34, that were the most influential customers.

Looking to capitalize even more on these new consumers, check out our e-book on Marketing to Millennials


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There are multiple ways your garden brand can increase influence over customers.

Go visual; it’s what relates with people the most.

Also, be sure your websites and campaigns are easily accessed through mobile. Utilize digital ads, visual marketing campaigns like contests and quizzes, and of course email marketing.

Keep up with the trends, currently email marketing is still a leader, but it may not be in a year or two from now.

Referral Marketing Tips!

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In your marketing efforts, be sure to create engaging offers. From coupons and sweepstakes to games and contests, the options are endless.

Include your influential customers into your marketing campaign! They are the ones that are going to help your brand grow.

Get consumers to share or sign up by using referral marketing. Offer an incentive, for instance, share this link with two friends and receive $2 off your next purchase in store or online.

For a simple coupon such as this one, make it simple. Just ask for name and email so that people are more likely to engage.

Check out, SocialTwist this easy-to-use referral marketing platform powerfully drives customer acquisition strategies for businesses, using the social connections of their customers.

Check out our newly released 2015 trends report!

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Topics: Trending Thursday, internet marketing, Garden Media Group, content marketing, marketing

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