GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Tracing the Public Relations Trends of 2013

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Mon, Apr 29, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

2013 garden trends public relations trends 2013

The world of public relations has undergone a major facelift in the last ten years. 

With social media and digital marketing forever on the rise, traditional forms of media have been under scrunity.

Bloggers, social media moguls, and online news stories have been the preferred mediums as of late.

Garden Media Group breathes garden and public relations trends; it's our job.

To make your job easier, we're dissecting traditional forms of media and outlining the public relations trends of 2013. 

Social News

It's old news at this point that newspapers are a dying breed.

But, now we have numbers to prove it. 19% of Americans saw news headlines on social media sites first. Plus, 33% of those under 30 get their news from social media. Social media users are hungry for news - this percentage has doubled since 2010. Know your key demographic and where to find them.

Now, all major newspapers have a Twitter and Facebook page. But, Americans are also getting their news from friends, colleagues, and celebrities on social media.

Public Relations Trend of 2013: Americans want news on social media. If you get a media hit, be sure to tweet it, pin it, and share it on Facebook with a link to a digital story.

Tune Out of TV

Television is still stable for the older generation, but generation Y is becoming disenchanted with local cable television news. 55% of adults over 30 watch the local news compared to 34% of those under 30. It gets worse, only 23% of generation Y watch local news. 42% of that same generation overall still watch national news however.

The number of people watching entire television news programs is dropping because news stations also upload story segments.

Online, you get to pick and choose the news you want. Online news segements allow the viewer to choose stories relevant to them, and watch them in less time with no commericals.

Public Relations Trend of 2013: If you want viewers under 30, focus on national news stories. Local, cable news is really only a good fit for older adults. Know your demographic and pick your medium wisely. 


51% of Americans still enjoy reading, but they now prefer to read on their iPad or Kindle.

Right around 50% of USA Today, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal readers perused the latest news stories on their mobile devices or computer.

25% of magazine readers read digitally, while 20% of book readers prefer e-books over tangible copies.

Public Relations Trend of 2013: Getting the front page of the print USA Today doesn't matter as much anymore. Aim to get on the home page of the New York Times website. Get features in e-books, not hard copies. Travel to the digital world to keep up with the e-reading trends.

The world continues to love digital, which means your garden business has to approach public relations trends in a new 21st century way.

Jump into the world of e-books below while learning how to use public relations to grow your business !


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For more facts on the ephemeral world of public relations, read the Pew Reserach Center's piece here!

Topics: PR Strategy, Public Relations Trends, Digital Branding, trends, internet marketing, internet media

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