GROW! Marketing and Public Relations Tips

Wait! Before You Publish Your Press Release…

Posted by Emma Fitzpatrick on Thu, Mar 14, 2013 @ 9:00 AM

spring cleaning green public relations FINALLY! It’s March. As soon as the sun peeks out and the temperature rises above freezing, my spring fever hits in full force.

Already I’m thinking about my fresh veggie seeds, which are currently sprouting, but before long, they'll be delivering crisp, colorful, intoxicating flavors! 

Before I can enjoy spring, I’ve got to do a spring cleaning on my winterized apartment. Then, I had an epiphany.

My apartment isn’t the only aspect of my life that needs to be refreshed and fluffed. Writing can get stale too.

Go into the spring season with confidence, and spring clean your newest press release. You’ll feel better about your work, and your readers will love the fresh, new twists.

Surround Yourself With Nothing, but the Best.

Your work area should be dripping with inspiration. On Pinterest, I have an inspiration board, but at my desk, I have a tangible one as well. My inspiration board is covered with paint chips that are far too bright, my favorite writers of ALL time (Vonnegut, Plath, and Foer), a few pressed flowers, quotes on tea bags, and a couple magazine articles I was enamored with. Plus, a houseplant, or two, or three..

It sounds silly, but having a work space doused in pieces that you love actually helps you to think and create better. You won’t deliver anything, but the best when that’s all you see.

Cut Your Writer-isms Out

For about a month or so, I have a few phrases that litter my writing and conversations. My catch phrases are the first and easiest words to put to paper, but it certainly doesn’t mean they’re the best.

Highlight your catch phrases in your press release, and brainstorm ten different, more effective, and vibrant ways to say the same thing. Yes, you want your writing to be recognizable, but you NEVER want it to seem trite or dull. By keeping your voice and changing your language, your writing is ready for the blooming spring season.

Know What Your Seed Needs

There’s no such thing as a normal press release. If you’re publishing your press release on social media, digitally, or for the world of print, it needs to be tweaked. Just as different seeds need different types of sunshine and water, your press release needs different types of language, hooks, and links.

Have a specific audience and purpose in mind for each press release—and remember the end result as well.  Give each release as much attention as you would a new seed in soil. Tend it as an individual, not a one-size-fits-all.

Viola! Easy, short, and sweet tactics to make your next press release as fresh as the spring air. 

Discover what other trends will be debuting this spring season with our 2013 Garden Trends Whitepaper.

New Call to action

Special thanks to Green Maid Inc for the chic, eco-picture!

Topics: PR Strategy, press releases, image building

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